Kickstart your Career

Apprenticeships and Graduate Programmes

We offer exciting career and academic development opportunities for school leavers and individuals looking to pursue a career in our industry. 

Join a global leader in the semiconductor industry

Whether you are a school leaver, graduate or just looking for a change in career, we offer opportunities through various early careers channels including Internships, Apprenticeships and our PTSL Graduate Scheme. Our opportunities range from foundation and advanced apprenticeships to higher and degree level qualifications.

Our learning allows for time to be split between studying with our learning providers and putting your skills to live projects across our manufacturing plant or business support teams.

Previous courses complete by employees include Mechanical Engineering (HNC), Computer Aided Draughting and Design (HNC/HND) and Computer Aided Draughting and Design (Degree).

Choose from a range of key business functions including Production, Research & Development, Engineering and Test.

Earn when you learn with competitive benefits.

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